League of Legends
Patch Rundown 5.14 - The Harbinger Times
Patch Rundown 5.14 - The Harbinger Times
Veröffentlicht am 21.07.2015
Tune in and check out Scarizard, Zirene and ricklessabandon chatting about 5.14’s big hitters,
including tweaks to Elise, Azir, and Runeglaive, and the introduction of Zeke’s Harbinger.
Patch Rundown 5.14 - http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news...
Tune in and check out Scarizard, Zirene and ricklessabandon chatting about 5.14’s big hitters,
including tweaks to Elise, Azir, and Runeglaive, and the introduction of Zeke’s Harbinger.
Patch Rundown 5.14 - http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news...