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[Shadowrun 5] Devil's Playground (engl., Dustnite)

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    [Spielrunde] [Shadowrun 5] Devil's Playground (engl., Dustnite)

    Devil's Playground - Shadowrun 5e

    Am 06.09.2016 veröffentlicht
    This is Session 0 for my Shadowrun 5e campaign, Devil's Playground,
    where we discuss going through character creation, campaign scope, and how to use Chummer.
    I was unfamiliar with Chummer and hopefully this may help someone later.

    This campaign is being hosted by the Fairy's Forest RPG Community on Discord here:

    Campaign Premise: The year is 2078 and the world has changed much since the Awakening brought magic back into the world.
    Dragons run monolithic corporations that spread through the entire country and life has become decidedly stranger than the life we know now.

    You and some other runners you don't know too well have been allowed to enter the PCC for offers of lucrative runs
    that your new fixer assures you is on the up and up; you just hoped he's not full of drek.
    Wherever you came from, it looks like the runs had dried up or living SIN-less in your old location just got a little too dicey.
    You arrive at a neutral location, a dive bar called Roman's Oasis, where you await your new fixer to get better details with all the runners present.

    Setting: This will take place within the PCC in the city of Phoenix in what used to be Arizona.
    This city used to be the largest in the PCC until Los Angeles took the title.
    It's hot and it's plagued by a criminal element that threatens to seize control of the ruling government.
    The PCC keeps tight reigns on what corporations are allowed to operate there and especially keep an eye toward the Aztlan border
    where the Azzies are constantly looking to get advantage.

    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn