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die Zusammenfassungen finden sich aber freilich auch hier.
Abenteuer 1: Dream Chipper, (Beispiel)
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(Ansonsten müßtet ihr Antiquariate oder Gebrauchtware suchen, 1989 bzw die Version 2.01D, die ich hier habe von 1993 ist schon etwas länger her)
Alle Rechte liegen bei den jeweiligen Inhabern, wenn es euch gefallen hat, gönnt denen bitte auch ihre paar Euro und kauft es euch selber, danke!
die Zusammenfassungen finden sich aber freilich auch hier.
Abenteuer 1: Dream Chipper, (Beispiel)
The Year is 2050
Ladies of the night are being murdered and butchered with the skill of a surgeon.
The Gaslight Ghoul has returned, and he stalks the streets of Seattle!
in Shadowrun, the rampant substance of the 19th and 20th centuries are now as archaic as 8-track audio tapes. Now the escape of choice is the BTL, or Better Than Life chip. Plug it in and all physical pleasures, desires, and hopes suddenly pale by comparison. Some 'experimental' chips are missing, and you've been hired to find them. But an investigation of simple theft is turning into a grisly trail that seems to have no rhyme or reason. Now you are beginning to wonder … can these chips program someone to be a serial killer?
Originally published in 1989
Ladies of the night are being murdered and butchered with the skill of a surgeon.
The Gaslight Ghoul has returned, and he stalks the streets of Seattle!
in Shadowrun, the rampant substance of the 19th and 20th centuries are now as archaic as 8-track audio tapes. Now the escape of choice is the BTL, or Better Than Life chip. Plug it in and all physical pleasures, desires, and hopes suddenly pale by comparison. Some 'experimental' chips are missing, and you've been hired to find them. But an investigation of simple theft is turning into a grisly trail that seems to have no rhyme or reason. Now you are beginning to wonder … can these chips program someone to be a serial killer?
Originally published in 1989

(Ansonsten müßtet ihr Antiquariate oder Gebrauchtware suchen, 1989 bzw die Version 2.01D, die ich hier habe von 1993 ist schon etwas länger her)
Alle Rechte liegen bei den jeweiligen Inhabern, wenn es euch gefallen hat, gönnt denen bitte auch ihre paar Euro und kauft es euch selber, danke!