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Nyhm- War Lock (a WoW Parody)

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    Nyhm- War Lock (a WoW Parody)

    Nyhm- War Lock (a WoW Rap God Parody)

    Veröffentlicht am 16.09.2016
    Been a while! But damn, Legion is so good! So yes- I'm definitely back...

    This video was written and recorded a month before the events of the broken shore
    (RIP Varian! Sorry I threatened you in my song! I didn't know at the time!).
    I sat on this song forever waiting for WoW model viewer to update to Legion, which at this time it still hasn't.
    So I decided to just film it all in game and put the video together like that because I'm an impatient blood elf.

    Anyway, Damn it's good to be back! More to come (I already have at least one more song already recorded right now..)

    Feels great to be back...

    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn