Dieses Thema dürfte wohl Systemüpbergreifend relevant seit,
will man Spielercharaktere in Machtpositionen in der Spielwelt haben, falls ja - wie?
Player Characters in Positions of Power in Your Campaign World| Game Master Tips
will man Spielercharaktere in Machtpositionen in der Spielwelt haben, falls ja - wie?
Player Characters in Positions of Power in Your Campaign World| Game Master Tips
Veröffentlicht am 21.05.2015
Player Characters in Positions of Power in Your Campaign World| Game Master Tips
Today we explore what happens as your player characters gain influence your campaign setting
and how to handle it as the dungeon master.
This can drastically change the nature of the kind adventures you write and plan as the game master.
Your adventuring party may end up with resources beyond what they might normally have access to.
Specifically we'll be looking at a fantasy setting like Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms,
or perhaps a home brew campaign world of your own creation.
Player Characters in Positions of Power in Your Campaign World| Game Master Tips
Today we explore what happens as your player characters gain influence your campaign setting
and how to handle it as the dungeon master.
This can drastically change the nature of the kind adventures you write and plan as the game master.
Your adventuring party may end up with resources beyond what they might normally have access to.
Specifically we'll be looking at a fantasy setting like Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms,
or perhaps a home brew campaign world of your own creation.