Nerdarchy bekaspert das Für und Wider einer der optionalen Regeln im Spielleiterhandbuch,
dem Dungeon Master's Guide: Die Regel des "proficiency die"
Proficiency Die Dungeon Master's Guide Optional Rules For D&D 5E
dem Dungeon Master's Guide: Die Regel des "proficiency die"
Proficiency Die Dungeon Master's Guide Optional Rules For D&D 5E
Veröffentlicht am 08.05.2015
Proficiency Die Dungeon Master's Guide Optional Rules For D&D 5E
Nerdarchy examines another one of the optional rules straight out of the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons DMG.
One of the guys we game with is using the rules for the proficiency die in his game so we thought give a little rpg discussion on it.
Personally if you are a fan of just rolling dice I believe you'll like this optional rule.
If the dice hate you like they do me not so much.
One of the problems is the higher level your character is the better your chances of rolling worse.
The mechanic favors lower level characters in my opinion.
Proficiency Die Dungeon Master's Guide Optional Rules For D&D 5E
Nerdarchy examines another one of the optional rules straight out of the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons DMG.
One of the guys we game with is using the rules for the proficiency die in his game so we thought give a little rpg discussion on it.
Personally if you are a fan of just rolling dice I believe you'll like this optional rule.
If the dice hate you like they do me not so much.
One of the problems is the higher level your character is the better your chances of rolling worse.
The mechanic favors lower level characters in my opinion.