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[D&D 5E] The Fallen Depths: The Lost Dynasty (engl., DawnforgedCast)

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    [Spielrunde] [D&D 5E] The Fallen Depths: The Lost Dynasty (engl., DawnforgedCast)

    (5E D&D) - The Fallen Depths: The Lost Dynasty

    Live übertragen am 20.08.2015
    Five years ago a great noise and seismic tremors rattled the megacity of Acharis.
    When the dust settled the district of Vaelen's Roost was all but destroyed.
    In its place an enormous chasm gaped, descending beyond sight into darkness below.
    The Fallen Depths the citizens have come to call it.

    After a few exploratory sojourns failed to return the district was abandoned by the authorities
    and left to scavengers and the undesirables of the city who created a life for themselves amid the ruins.

    Now reports of strange lights and sounds emitting from the depths have been heard from as far away as Grave Water, two districts over.
    Clerics in the Palace of Illumination tell of fevered dreams and a hushed and sinister voice beckoning them to come into the darkness below.

    Rumors have also begun to circulate throughout the city, beginning in the seediest bars and taverns.
    There, a handful of haggard men display ancient but finely wrought and greatly valued jewelery and other treasures to anyone willing to listen.
    They claim to have found them in the Fallen Depths, pried out of the hands of statues in ruins from another era.

    Whatever your motivation you have come to the edge of the Depths to discover what the darkness holds....
    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn

    (5E D&D) The Fallen Depths II - An Eye For Beauty and Light

    Live übertragen am 22.10.2015
    Brave, or foolish, adventurers return to the Fallen Depths below the great city of Acharis.
    What will they discover in the darkness?
    In this, the second expedition below, the party focuses their efforts on the southwest section, inspired by a vision granted to the party's cleric.
    Irving, Human Cleric of Light, is joined by Amon, Human Wizard and all around brainy guy, Faeng, Half-Orc Paladin of the Ancients,
    and, in his second trip to the Depths, Seth, Half-Elf Rogue.
    Join them for some fantastic roleplaying, combat and Dungeons & Dragons adventuring!
    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn


      "The Fallen Depths 3" - 5E D&D: Rollin' in the Deep

      Live übertragen am 12.11.2015
      Recently two groups of adventurers emerged from the Fallen Depths, one bringing with them tales of serpent creatures,
      ancient ruins, and great treasure to be found. The other speaking of an enchanted garden, horrific hags and a benevolent Storm Giant.
      What will your group discover?

      Five years ago a great noise and seismic tremors rattled the megacity of Acharis.
      When the dust settled the district of Vaelen's Roost was all but destroyed.
      In its place an enormous chasm gaped, descending beyond sight into darkness below.
      The Fallen Depths the citizens have come to call it.

      After a few exploratory sojourns failed to return the district was abandoned by the authorities
      and left to scavengers and the undesirables of the city who created a life for themselves amid the ruins.

      Now reports of strange lights and sounds emitting from the depths have been heard from as far away as Grave Water, two districts over.
      Clerics in the Palace of Illumination tell of fevered dreams and a hushed and sinister voice beckoning them to come into the darkness below.

      Rumors have also begun to circulate throughout the city, beginning in the seediest bars and taverns.
      There, a handful of haggard men display ancient but finely wrought and greatly valued jewelry and other treasures to anyone willing to listen.
      They claim to have found them in the Fallen Depths, pried out of the hands of statues in ruins from another era.

      Whatever your motivation you have come to the edge of the Depths to discover what the darkness holds....

      7th Level Party
      Wellby: Halfling Ranger/Rogue
      Barnabus: Gnome Wizard -
      Falgrim: Dwarf Barbarian
      Denrub: Half Elf Fighter/Paladin
      Tharik: Dwarf Wizard - WaywardSon -
      "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
      Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

      Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
      solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
      einander zuzuhören...

      Art van Rheyn

