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[V20] Tripartio Vampires in Dallas - Teil 1 Anarchs [B&S]
[V20] Tripartio Vampires in Dallas - Teil 1 Anarchs [B&S]
Live übertragen am 21.01.2015
Drei Geschichten in einer Chronik.
Drei Sekten in einer Stadt.
Drei Klüngel im Wettstreit.
"Vae victis!"
- Kriegsruf des Vampir Kain in Legacy of Kain
Es ist soweit, unsere erste Session steht an.
Wir werden einen Blick auf das Leben der Annarchen in Dallas werfen und schauen,
wie sich die Ankunft weiterer Kainiten auf deren Unleben auswirkt ...
Die Spieler
Clawdeen von Clawdeen spielt
Mandavar von Mandavar der Suchende
Nocturama von der Drachenzwinge
Tsu von Affendämon Tsu
bespielt wird das Setting von
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade - 20th Anniversary Edition brings the entire World of Darkness experience full circle
and will serve as the perfect anniversary milestone to celebrate two decades of gaming after dark.
This is the original Masquerade in all its glory, and our way of saying thank you and welcome home.
V20: Anarchs Unbound
Tear down the tyrants!
Paint the streets with the blood of Princes and Archbishops!
With Anarch domains increasing their hold over new territories every night, the Kindred can no longer afford
to consider Movement an unruly mob of wayward childer.
As the doomed tactics of the past have made way for a sleeker, wiser Anarch Movement,
the nights are numbered for outmoded elder vampires and their weak-blooded lackeys.
mit den Regeln aus
Blood and Smoke: Requiem 2nd Edition
Tonight, you become one of the Kindred, the beautiful and the damned who hide behind our ordinary world.
Driven by a hunger like fire, you will struggle to maintain your humanity while immersed in a vicious society of monsters.
Drei Geschichten in einer Chronik.
Drei Sekten in einer Stadt.
Drei Klüngel im Wettstreit.
"Vae victis!"
- Kriegsruf des Vampir Kain in Legacy of Kain
Es ist soweit, unsere erste Session steht an.
Wir werden einen Blick auf das Leben der Annarchen in Dallas werfen und schauen,
wie sich die Ankunft weiterer Kainiten auf deren Unleben auswirkt ...
Die Spieler
Clawdeen von Clawdeen spielt
Mandavar von Mandavar der Suchende
Nocturama von der Drachenzwinge
Tsu von Affendämon Tsu
bespielt wird das Setting von
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade - 20th Anniversary Edition brings the entire World of Darkness experience full circle
and will serve as the perfect anniversary milestone to celebrate two decades of gaming after dark.
This is the original Masquerade in all its glory, and our way of saying thank you and welcome home.
V20: Anarchs Unbound
Tear down the tyrants!
Paint the streets with the blood of Princes and Archbishops!
With Anarch domains increasing their hold over new territories every night, the Kindred can no longer afford
to consider Movement an unruly mob of wayward childer.
As the doomed tactics of the past have made way for a sleeker, wiser Anarch Movement,
the nights are numbered for outmoded elder vampires and their weak-blooded lackeys.
mit den Regeln aus
Blood and Smoke: Requiem 2nd Edition
Tonight, you become one of the Kindred, the beautiful and the damned who hide behind our ordinary world.
Driven by a hunger like fire, you will struggle to maintain your humanity while immersed in a vicious society of monsters.