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Best Star Wars Costumes - The 10

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    Best Star Wars Costumes - The 10

    Star Wars
    Best Star Wars Costumes - The 10

    Veröffentlicht am 07.05.2015
    In this installment of the 10, we’re picking the galaxy’s best handmade uniforms, armor, and outfits, from Sith styles to Coruscant couture.

    For this list, we’re focusing on costumes from the Star Wars films only, ranking them on design, originality, and cool factor.

    10. Imperial Guard
    The first outfit featured on our galactic runway is the Imperial Guard uniform.
    Combining robes, a helmet, and armor, along with an aggressive red color, it’s a menacing look -- though it fails to impress some critics.

    9. Imperial Officer
    Bland and lifeless yet sharp and intimidating, the Imperial Officer uniform is perfect for the Empire’s military leaders.
    Usually seen in olive and black variations, it’s successful in its simplicity, but fails in other…important areas.

    8. Lando Calrissian (Cloud City)
    For Lando Calrissian, the clothes don’t completely make the man -- but they certainly say a lot about him.
    And the smooth-talking smuggler’s Cloud City get-up speaks volumes: it’s dapper, daring, and a little dangerous.
    In other words, it’s totally Lando.

    7. Princess Leia (Bikini)
    Its intent: to demean and embarrass. What it becomes: a symbol of empowerment.
    Leia’s metal bikini – consisting of form-fitting swirls and attractive fabrics – is a stunning design.
    But it takes on new meaning when the Rebel princess turns the tables on the crimelord that forced her to wear it.
    It’s a truly explosive look and a memorable one.

    6. Rebel Pilot
    Synonymous with the Rebel Alliance, the Rebel Pilot flight suit is defiantly bright, rugged,
    and altogether a visual opposite to the Empire’s cold, drab uniforms.

    5. Jedi Robe & Tunic
    Simple meets swashbuckling, and ultimately, timeless. Jedi robes and tunics illustrate the selfless and courageous nature
    of our light-side heroes, while subtle differences allow for personality -- showing that you can be yourself
    while guarding peace and justice, and look good doing it.

    4. Padme (Throne Room Gown)
    What does a queen from a galaxy far, far away wear? This.
    Featuring flowing reds and ornate details, Padme’s Naboo lantern gown is both familiar and otherworldly.
    Of all her regal outfits, it remains the most elegant, strange, and beautiful.

    3. Stormtrooper
    Stormtrooper armor is exactly what the Empire needs its ground forces to be: uniform, faceless, and threatening.
    While it may not be completely functional, this gear and all its variations stand as striking creations and definitively Imperial.

    2. Boba Fett
    The epitome of underworld cool. From helmet to jetpack to Wookiee scalps, Boba Fett’s armor is filled with clever details.
    It combines shapes and colors in inventive ways, all the while conveying mystery and a no-nonsense attitude.
    Who can question Darth Vader? Bounty hunters that look this awesome.

    1. Darth Vader
    It is nightmarish. It is powerful. It IS Darth Vader. The Sith Lord’s life-support armor blends seemingly disparate elements -- a frightening mask,
    futuristic mechanical components, and an ominous black color scheme -- to create something new.
    Ultimately, it fully illustrates Vader’s evil nature and hints at his tragic history, making it iconic and one of a kind.
    That’s why we rank it #1.

    So what do you think? Did we overlook something? Did we nail it? Are we out of our minds? Comment and let us know!
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