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Nerdarchy Talks Star Wars Episode 7 the Force Awakens

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    [Talk] Nerdarchy Talks Star Wars Episode 7 the Force Awakens


    Nerdarchy Talks Star Wars Episode 7 the Force Awakens| Obligatory Not D&D Videos

    Veröffentlicht am 27.05.2015
    Nerdarchy Talks Star Wars Episode 7 the Force Awakens| Obligatory Not D&D Videos
    Nerdarchy sits down to nerd out about Star Wars Episode 7.
    I must say we are very hopeful for the latest movie in the Star Wars franchise.
    The fact that Harrison Ford is returning to play Han Solo gives me a huge boost of confidence in this science fiction movies.
    Hearing Mark Hamill voice over as Luke Skywalker in the beginning of trailer was chilling to a long time Star Wars fan.
    Getting the original cast from episode 4 A New Hope is amazing in and of itself.
    We just gotta hope J.J. Abrams doesn't drop the ball. Disney be invovled is another good sign.
    It means plenty of funding for Star Wars Episode 7 the Force Awakens and they tend to make good movies.
    "Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser wird, wenn es anders wird, aber soviel kann ich sagen: Es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

    Was nützt es, wenn wir mehrere Sprachen sprechen,
    solange wir nicht die Geduld aufbringen,
    einander zuzuhören...

    Art van Rheyn